"A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom."

I believe in the power of the young mind to make a change in our lives and the world. We at Rawal Kids Paradise have faith that we endeavor to inculcate in our children values of empathy, responsibility, humility and the passion to believe in their dreams, so that they can make their dreams to success.

I read a beautiful thought that describes this –“We carry within us the wonders we seek around us”. The children are the true wonders who with your honesty, simplicity and innocence create this wonderful world. Remember that they have this power in them to make a change. As the world moves towards unsafe and unsettled times, we will continue to provide our students lessons of kindness, courage and generosity of the human race and its ability to reconstruct and rebuild.

As a school, our dedicated team of teachers, support the children through their challenges and help them to reach their potential.

Rachna Bindra


Education is one of the most powerful things in life. It allows us to find the meaning behind everything and helps improve lives in a massive way. It gives us an understanding of the world around us.

Our Offices

Rawal Kids Paradise School

Rishi Nagar, Chawla Colony, Ballabhgarh

Faridabad, Haryana 121004