About Us

A Few words about us

“If You are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”

We at Rawal Kids Paradise make for quality education system, as all our knowledge begins with senses, proceeds to understanding and ends with reason, and there is nothing higher than the reason, and that reason or conclusion is what we want our students to explore and enhance.

The only purpose of education is to teach a student how to live his life-by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality. He has to be taught to think, to understand, to integrate, to prove. He has to be taught the essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past, and he has to be equipped to acquire further knowledge by his own effort.

Before embarking on their higher education journey, the students have their own experience. Our education opens a window for the students to explore and enhance the world by reign.


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Our Mission

Ruelloribus eget elemetum vel curleif end elit. for that matter even a relationship, for that matter even a relationship, Aean auctoetnliir pis terios. ante ipsummis fauulet utrice posere cubtsed leo pharetu nec augue. dui bibendum ornare elementum. In vel mi pellentesque.

Team Desk- School Management

Rawal Kids Paradise School

C.B. Rawal (Chairman)

When educating the minds of children, we should not forget to educate their hearts.

Anil Rawal (Pro- Chairman)

Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.

Rachna Bindra (Principal)

A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom.

First Day at School!


Education is the first step to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place.

Education is one of the most powerful things in life. It allows us to find the meaning behind everything and helps improve lives in a massive way. It gives us an understanding of the world around us.

Our Offices

Rawal Kids Paradise School

Rishi Nagar, Chawla Colony, Ballabhgarh

Faridabad, Haryana 121004